Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 41: Feeling Cranky!

Dscn2793bSeptember 21: As I write about this day’s adventures, nearly two months after it actually happened since my blog does not reflect “real time,” I have to consult my journal to remember all the details about a given day. And I had to laugh at my journal entry for this day because it was quite obvious that I was an a cranky mood. Here are a few of my journal entries, word-for-word, as an example of my crankiness—that actually make me laugh now:


“A sad little road walk out of Carrion de los Condes. Why are so many hikers idiots, walking far in the middle of the road, barely giving cars enough room to pass?”


“Most of the day was on long, flat stretch over dirt road. Boring, I suppose, but I still liked it. Other hikers seemed like whiners. They complain when the trail is hilly and when it’s flat!”


“I laid out in field just before Caldadilla de la Cueza. It was nice that so many hikers asked if I was okay, but good grief—it makes me mad at the same time. Is wanting to sit out in an open field and listen to the wind and the birds such a bizarre concept that people think I’m in trouble?! They get into town and stare at the wall of a bar for 5 hours. Yeah, losers!”


“At rest area, where man set up shop, about 10 drops of rain fell and I swear all dozen or so hikers grabbed chairs and headed under a tiny shelter. Seriously? I don’t know why, but other hikers are seriously annoying me today with their stupidity.”


“Whenever there’s a choice between a road walk and a scenic route, darned near everyone takes the road walk then complains about how horrible it was. HELLO???!! Then they’ll say that their feet hurt too much to take the longer scenic route. Hello?! There are alburgues on those routes that you can stop at too!”


“They also complain about the mid-80s heat. What the hell is WRONG with these people?”


The all caps and underlines are actually in my journal. =) Even the multiple question marks and exclamation marks are reproduced exactly from my journal. Clearly, I was a bit cranky this particular day!


However, the day ends with a happier note: “Camped on alternative route out of Caldadilla on edge of plateau with wonderful, open views. Listened to iPod while watching sunset which cheered me up.”


And two months later, when I think back about this day, it’s that sunset and campsite I remember best. The rest of the day, without my notes, was largely a vague memory….


A vendor sets up a fruit and drink stand along the trail.


A few minutes later, about 10 drops of rain fell, and hikers everywhere
crowded under the small shelter. Because, you know, it’s better
to be crowded with a bunch of smelly hikers than—heaven forbid—get
a few drop of rain on you. Note, it’s actually STILL SUNNY, so
it’s obviously not a major rain going on. You’d think everyone was
afraid of getting nature on them! =) I decided to sit out
under the “rain” and felt much better for it.




Although the clouds looked ugly, the weather forecast did not call
for rain, and it never materialized. (Beyond those random drops
that scared everyone, but I don’t really consider that rain.)


A rest area along the trail. This is a rest area for people, not vehicles!
Although it certainly had enough room for cars to park as well. But
except for a few farm vehicles, nobody was driving on these dirt roads.


A flock of sheep block the trail.


This sunflower, I think, captured my mood for the day perfectly! =)


Walking into Caldadilla.


A pilgrim mural at an alburgue.


Flowers in front of someone’s home.


Sunset is coming to the Meseta!


This trail marker didn’t have enough rocks on it, so I added one. =)


My campsite for the night. As it would turn out, this was one
of my favorite campsites of the entire trip!


A cloud blows in front of the sun shortly before sunset.


Unknown said...

Ryan, I've been curious about how much cash the average pilgrim carries.
Do the kiosks take currency from most countries?
I suppose most use plastic whenever possible, but cash must occasionally be necessary.

Ryan said...

I don't really know how much the "average" pilgrim carries in cash--it's not really the kind of thing I'd ask people around me! But everywhere in France and Spain generally expect you to pay with euros, and most of the alburgues and small store don't accept plastic.

You could usually find an ATM in even the smallest of towns, though, so most people just got whatever amount of cash they felt like carrying from that and paid for most everything in cash. I did too, except for hotel rooms which I usually paid for with credit cards.

I'd usually take out anywhere from 100 to 200 euros out of ATMs which would last me a week or two.

-- Ryan

Anonymous said...

Too funny - I've been cranky all day, 11/30. So coming home from teaching, that made me cranky, I found your blog, across the months and ocean. Made me laugh - thanks I needed this!
pat - Tucson

Kaaren said...

The sad sunflower - great picture.