Oct 25: Finally! A hostel that wasn’t going to kick us out
before sunrise! I woke up, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, packed up and hit
the trail at around 9:00 just as the sky started brightening. I was the first
of the pilgrims to leave.
The trail almost immediately turned onto a narrow dirt path
labeled “Ruta de la Piedra y del Agua,” or the Route of Stone and Water. The yellow arrows disappeared which
concerned me at first. I knew the trail was supposed to follow the Stone and
Water Route for several kilometers so I just followed the Stone and Water Route
signs, but the lack of yellow arrows was somewhat worrisome.
The route, however, was absolutely wonderful! The trail—and it was a genuine trail with dirt and mud,
over rocks and through the trees—followed alongside a scenic creek dotted with
countless scenic, abandoned mills made of stone. The creek was the water while
the abandoned mills were the stones. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! What an
absolute jewel of a trail!
Near the end of it, the trail reached a clearing with all
sorts of wonderful statues. I took photos of them all, but they didn’t always
turn out well under the heavy canopy that blocked much of the daylight.
At the end of the Route of Stone and Water, the yellow
arrows picked up again. I was relieved about this. Whew! I’d have been
seriously lost if there wasn’t anything to mark the route.
The rest of the day’s hike was nice. Not “great,” but it was a pleasant riverside walk, and
eventually reached the Atlantic coast which was spectacular in its own right.
At one point in the afternoon, an “aggressive sprinkle”
startled me. It was sunny and the sky was absolutely clear and beautiful
without the tiniest hint of rain… so where did the rain come from?! I looked
around trying to figure out the source of the sprinkle but I didn’t see one.
It’s as if the rain just popped into existence right above my head. It only
lasted for a minute or two then stopped as mysteriously as it started.
The next (and last) hostel of the Spiritual Variant was
located in Vilanova de Arousa. I had trouble finding it at first, following the
yellow arrows into town where the arrows mysteriously disappeared. I
backtracked a block and eventually figured out where I had gone astray. A small
sign on the door of a large gymnasium was labeled as the alburgue. I walked
into the gymnasium, not entirely sure this could be correct. A gym? Really? I
had walked passed the building without taking a closer look—not suspecting for
a second that that was actually the alburgue.
Inside, the signs continued to point the way to the alburgue
up on the second floor and yep, that was it. I was surprised to see the two
girls from Italy had beaten me there. I left the hostel this morning before
them, and they never passed them on the trail. How did they get ahead of me?
They told me that their feet were hurting bad and used their smartphones to
look up a map of the area and realized that could shorten the day’s walk by
taking a road into town instead of the trail that I followed. Ahhh, well, that
certainly explains it!
An hour later, the two Swiss women arrived and the group of
us were back together again. The fellow running the hostel asked if we knew of
anyone else who’d be arriving and we told them no. Anyone else who arrived
would have had to have walked about 45 kilometers if they came from a hostel
other than the one we stayed at the night before, which seemed highly unlikely.
Pretty much everyone who walks the Spiritual Variant always stays in the same
two hostels since those are the only two and both are a solid day’s walk apart
from each other. We were the only five pilgrims on this section of trail.
I went out for dinner and when I returned to the hostel
later that evening, there was a woman’s soccer game happening. I was warned
that there would be a soccer game this evening, but it had started quite late
and I was concerned it might go on until midnight and disturb my sleep. The two
Italian girls were excited about the game since they played soccer together in
Italy. Maybe they’d pick up a few tricks of the trade, I guess. So they walked
up into the bleachers to watch the game.
Actually, calling it a game might be something of a
misnomer. It looked more like a practice game, although the scoreboard was lit
up and tracking the score. It didn’t seem to have the fast pace of soccer games
I’ve seen before. I only watched for five or ten minutes, curious but not
particularly interested even if there were a bunch of young women running
around in short shorts. =)
If the noise from that wasn’t enough to keep us up all
night, there was some sort of dance lessons happening on the floor directly
above the bunkroom. Salsa, perhaps? But they were prancing around, jumping and
landing hard with a boom that reverberated through the bunkroom.
It was one of the strangest hostel experiences of my life,
and I was glad of it. But I hoped neither the dance lessons nor the soccer game
would go on too late at night. I did want to get some sleep!
The Route of Stone of Water was absolutely delightful! =) |
This was my favorite of statues in the clearing. =) |
The "stone" of "Stone and Water" are these old mills that are no longer in use. |
And that brings us to the end of the Route of Stone and Water. |
Even though we're no longer the Route of Stone and Water, it's still nice! =) |
I could only get a photo of the bee's butt! Sexy, eh? =) |
Whoever made this arrow seemed to be having a good time doing it! =) |
This town had all sorts of wonderful statues in the roundabouts! |
It's all fun and games until one of the band loses their head. =( |
That's not a cheerful statue.... |
Rainbow!!! =) |
They're really trying to sell the Spiritual Variant! And look! There's even a Polish flag! =) |
Vilanova de Arousa |
WTF?! Seriously... WTF?! |
Perhaps the most interesting hostel I've ever stayed at! Those beds are in the bunkroom. And later tonight... we can watch a soccer game! =) |
Sunset by the albergue |
Are you collecting any interesting pilgrimage stamps along the spiritual variant?
Just the usual ones at the albergues. Nothing special, though.
-- Ryan
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